I have known Jim since I started as a apartment dirt dog with Trammell Crow Residential in 1988. I was assigned the Triangle market, and moved here to open an office in downtown Raleigh. Soon I found Jim Flink. Even though I had little clue what I was doing, Jim took me under his wing and helped me learn the Triangle market both real estate wise and people wise. He was the most connected person in the Triangle real estate industry I have ever known. Our friendship grew through the years, as Jim transitioned companies from time to time and looked to do more development himself. My primary memory of him is simply how much we laughed when we were together. I don't know anyone with a better sense of humor. Just being with him was great for the soul. He did badger me into playing in a charity golf event even though I don't golf, and made me wear a bright orange hat with an "H "on it ( for "Hacker") as I chopped balls around Briar Creek for half a day. Our usual mode of getting together was lunch. He liked to eat early at the Page Road Sheraton to avoid the crowds (there never were any crowds). So we would start lunch at 11:30 (he was always there first) and he would order off menu items since the staff knew and loved him. Post Covid, its past time for another one of our Sheraton lunches, and I cannot believe Jim is not here to do so. Later, when I transitioned into teaching commercial real estate to undergrads and MBAs at UNC and Duke, students would ask me for the name of someone to talk to connected to Triangle real estate. I would refer them to Jim, and invariably they would report back how nice he was, how helpful he was, and how he took time for them. Jim Flink was a special person. A man of faith, a dear friend, and such fun to be around. A Michigander myself, Jim is the only person from the UP (Upper Peninsula) I know. If this is how they raise them, then we should all move to the UP. I miss you dear friend, and I am praying for your beloved Nancy. Bob Slater
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